What is InfoCons Association?

Today, the consumer represents an essential pillar of the economy and the market, but at the same time, they are also a vulnerable part of it. Awareness of consumer rights is important because it provides individuals with the necessary tools to make informed choices, protect their interests, and promote safety. By knowing and exercising these rights, consumers become active participants in their own protection and in shaping the market, contributing to a fairer and more responsible society. This is where organizations, both public and private, come in, with the goal of informing, educating, and protecting consumers against potential dangers. InfoCons is one of these organizations actively involved in the fight for consumer protection.

What is InfoCons?

InfoCons is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 2003, aimed at responding to the needs of consumers in Romania. The organization’s primary objective is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of consumers by informing them about their rights and raising awareness on this topic through various programs and projects.

For over 21 years, InfoCons has maintained continuous activity and gained recognition both nationally and internationally due to its dynamic team led by InfoCons President, Sorin Mierlea. The organization has become a member of various organizations, consultative committees of authorities, and working groups, and has participated in national and international programs.

In 2006, InfoCons founded the Federation of Consumer Associations, which affiliates the main active consumer protection organizations across Romania, creating a united voice for the consumer protection movement in the country.

The programs run by the association aim to protect consumers from the risks of purchasing and using substandard products, inform them about potentially dangerous products, encourage them to exercise their right to choose, promote fair competition, and resolve consumer complaints. One of InfoCons’ key objectives is to transform Romania by changing the mindset of citizens from passive to active consumers.

Why is Consumer Protection Important?

Consumer protection is about ensuring that individuals have access to safe products and services, are informed about their choices, and are empowered to take action when their rights are violated. In an increasingly complex market, many products are not what they seem. Substandard or counterfeit goods, deceptive advertising, and inadequate safety measures can put consumers at risk.

By promoting consumer protection, organizations like InfoCons aim to:

  • Ensure market transparency: Consumers should be able to make informed decisions based on accurate and comprehensive product information.
  • Prevent harm: Substandard or dangerous products can pose serious health and safety risks.
  • Promote fair competition: When businesses follow ethical practices, it leads to a healthier market environment where consumers benefit from better products and services.
  • Empower individuals: Educating consumers about their rights gives them the confidence to stand up for themselves, seek redress, and contribute to a more just society.

How does InfoCons contribute to consumer protection?

Since its inception, InfoCons has been at the forefront of various consumer protection initiatives, spanning multiple sectors. The organization focuses on education, legal advice, market monitoring, and advocacy to protect Romanian consumers from various risks.

  1. Educational Campaigns: Education is one of the primary tools InfoCons uses to protect consumers. The organization has led numerous awareness campaigns that target various aspects of consumer life, including health, energy, postal services, and financial services. Through these campaigns, InfoCons educates consumers on how to make safe choices, understand product labels, and avoid pitfalls such as scams or counterfeit goods.
  2. Comparative Testing: InfoCons has gained a reputation for conducting comparative tests on different products, especially in the agri-food sector. These tests aim to uncover the true quality and safety of products available on the market, providing consumers with unbiased, fact-based information. By publishing the results of these tests, InfoCons ensures that consumers can make more informed decisions when purchasing everyday items.
  3. Advocacy and Legal Advice: InfoCons also provides consumers with legal counseling and assistance when they face issues such as faulty products, misleading advertising, or poor services. Through its network of Consumer Information and Consultation Centers, the organization offers direct support, helping individuals file complaints and seek redress. Furthermore, InfoCons is actively involved in lobbying efforts to improve national consumer protection laws.
  4. Consumer Rights in the Legislative Process: A critical part of InfoCons’ work involves advocating for stronger consumer protection laws. InfoCons has been accredited to participate in specialized committees within the Romanian Parliament, where it contributes to shaping consumer-related policies. The organization also played a key role in the development of the first postgraduate master’s degree in consumer protection in Romania, offered in collaboration with the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work at the University of Bucharest.
  5. Pre-University Consumer Education: Recognizing that consumer protection begins with awareness from a young age, InfoCons has worked tirelessly to integrate consumer education into the national pre-university school curriculum. By teaching children and teenagers about their rights, how markets work, and the importance of ethical consumption, InfoCons is helping to shape a new generation of informed and active consumers.

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What responsibilities does InfoCons have?

Among the main responsibilities of InfoCons are:

  • Participatory consultation in the development of national consumer protection strategies and programs;
  • Monitoring the implementation of legislation and contributing to its updates;
  • Supporting the structuring of consumers into non-governmental organizations that represent and defend their interests;
  • Establishing local centers for informing, advising, and educating consumers;
  • Organizing information centers for members of consumer associations;
  • Conducting studies, research, and comparative tests.

Additionally, InfoCons has developed collaboration and partnerships with similar organizations in EU member countries and with other organizations or institutions in various fields, contributing to the achievement of its objectives.

Programs and campaigns by InfoCons

InfoCons brings innovation, knowledge, collaboration, and a holistic approach to consumer protection. With a strong passion for consumer rights and a proactive attitude, the organization remains a dedicated ally to consumers fighting for their rights.

Strategic programs developed by InfoCons, aimed at changing the mindset of Romanian consumers, include:

  • The Information Transparency Program;
  • The Culture Promotion Program;
  • The “Global Carbon Point” Program;
  • The National Anti-Counterfeiting Program – National Consumer Protection Program Against Counterfeit Products and Services;
  • The Consumer Protection Program and Rights Related to Intellectual and Industrial Property;
  • The Consumer Protection and Prevention Program in Cases of Natural Disasters;
  • The Consumer Protection Program – Social Issues and Equal Opportunities;
  • The Media Products and Services Consumer Protection Program;
  • The National Program for Increasing Access to Justice and Developing Alternative Mediation and Arbitration Solutions.

Strategic programs are complemented by campaigns such as the National Campaign „o9atitudine!” regarding the purchase of properties in residential complexes, the National Campaign „InfoUtile” for access to emergency numbers in the country, „Work Legally! Know Your Rights!” to combat illegal labor, and the National Campaign „Close! Turn off! Recycle! – Be an Example!” for environmental protection.

What makes InfoCons stand out?

In addition to its educational and protective programs or the communication available on www.infocons.org,  InfoCons has launched a new project – a mobile application. This app is designed to protect consumers from various dangers, offering them the opportunity to stay informed before purchasing products, learn if a product or service is dangerous, or even get help in emergency situations.

The Global InfoCons App – an essential tool for consumers

Since its launch, the Global InfoCons App has become an essential tool for consumers, offering a wide range of functionalities and useful information:

  • Scanning product barcodes to reveal ingredients, the number and type of food additives, allergens, sugar, salt, and calorie content;
  • Scanning QR codes from energy labels of appliances;
  • Personalizing the app for users with specific health issues by setting preferences for salt, sugar, allergens, and additives;
  • Access to all emergency numbers at global level;
  • Real-time emergency alerts for dangerous products;
  • A dictionary of consumer protection terminology in various fields, such as banking, insurance, energy, etc.;
  • The ability to receive „rewards” by completing daily or unique actions.

The app is available in 33 languages, making it accessible to citizens from different countries. It also features an SOS function for emergency situations, providing access to emergency numbers both nationally and internationally. Additionally, the Global InfoCons App helps users assess energy efficiency by scanning QR codes on energy labels, promoting sustainable and responsible consumption.

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